I am so happy finally Survivor's Law is now showing on ASTRO Wah Lai Toi 9.30pm time slot. Took me by surprise because I didn't know Legend of Love ended. My first impression of this series is I love it! I was so excited to see Raymond Lam and Myolie Wu, the latter one of my favourite TVB actress and the former a decent actor who looks cute in this series. There's even Juno who is one really (pardon my language) ugly dude. Can he act though; Answer is no. Not Earth shattering but definitely not an actor. Maybe he is a better singer.

Then there's Sammul Chan as Vincent. Looks like a lawyer but I have never figured out why TVB is so intent on promoting him, instead of Raymond Lam. Sammul is in my opinion an average actor that I could not be bothered to watch. My eyes are fixed on Raymond Lam.

And the great thing about this series is I see many veterans in here given some very good lines to deliver. I do not know his name but in here he plays Raymond's new boss, the one with many clients but no lawyers. His lines are hilarious, especially when Raymond was explaining about the grounds for divorce and he just intervened and asked; "Have you seperated long? Do you have any children? Do you have any properties? OK then, just sign and go!" and then he told Raymond, "We must be fast, be efficient to see more clients" and in one morning they saw 12 clients. So true! So true!

As usual all relationships start either with secretly admiring the other OR having some minor misunderstanding. In Myolie's case she thought Raymond poking on her leg was a sexual assault when Raymond was trying to tell her she's standing on his document and she shouldn't wear such high heels.

Each character in here has his/her own personality. Myolie is the principled one, the one who believes in the law and following the rules strictly. Raymond is more flexible, believes in justice and though the written law is everything, he believes justice means he can bend the rules, legally of course. I like his type. Sammul is the star young lawyer, potentially great and has no qualms of using every tactic to defend his client, somewhat like Raymond BUT I suspect he is those that will stop at nothing to win. Then there's Bernice, I did not catch her name who has little experience in practice and who does mostly menial jobs. A very innocent and giving girl, I find her acting a bit forced.

Overall the performances are good, especially the veteran whose name I do not know. Now the cases are the problem. I always suspected little research is done when it comes to medical and especially legal drama. Are they all so dramatic?

Case in point 1

Vincent battles with judge before judge pronounces his decision.

The case is not worth mentioning, what is worth mentioning that early in the judge's decision, the judge made an error in law and before the judge pronounced his decision, Vincent stood up against the instruction of his boss (Kok Fung) and started pointing to the judge his mistake. The judge asked him and his boss to approach the bench, and had a mini argument with Vincent. In the end Vincent convinces the judge he was wrong and later at 3pm, the judge did a 100% u-turn in his decision.

My question is, where is the prosecutor? Shouldn't he be objecting? And frankly, and this is a fact, judges don't like lawyers, especially young ones questioning their decision, even when they're wrong. There is no point in arguing, appealing is actually the only solution. A judge will never change their mind so soon, they might change their mind in another case but not in the same case. I find this part of the plot very unbelievable. Believe me, a guy like Vincent will be black listed by the judges. The point is Vincent's story is not true BUT Ben's story is more real ...

Case in point 2

Ben convinces the prosecution to fact check certain facts to save his client, Juno.

Juno admitted to posessing drugs, Ecstacy and was ready to plead guilty. Ben was there for mitigation only. Then Ben found out Juno did this to cover up for a rich man (Doug Lee)'s son for a sum of $100,000-00 if I am not mistaken. Juno screamed he wanted to plead guilty but Ben kept saying as his lawyer he was stressing the point, his client did not have the capacity to plead as such because the truth is something else. So the judge told Ben to come to teh bench with the prosecutor and scolded Ben for being unprofessional and in contempt of court for being so rude. But Ben merely smiled and told his point. The prosecutor said he was implicating his own client of obstructing justice and in a brilliant speech, Ben said "Yes he may be obstructing justice but the truth is he did not do this. Go get a warrant and check his house, the money is there". The prosecutor then said "But you're talking about Doug Lee!" and Ben said "So rich people can have justice but poor people are denied justice" but he said it very sweetly. In the end justice prevailed of course.

I find this part of the plot believable, and it could happen. This is in no way questioning the judge's wisdom or the prosecution's effeciency, merely fighting for his client's rights the fair and proper way.

Believe me, everyday I hear some judges screaming, "If you're not happy with my decision, APPEAL!". And then I will here, "Miss So and So, I do not like this but I believe you so I am going to give you order in terms". How you conduct a case is important. It's ok to be overzealous or unafraid to fight for your client's case BUT Vincent's way is not the true way. Maybe just in HK.

Case in point 3

Marital rape.

Is Myolie the prosecutor? Still very confused. All I know is she is representing the Plaintiff suing the Defendant in a private criminal law suit. Yes, there is such an action, but only with the consent of the AG/DPP/PP?prosecutor's office. Raymond defends the defendant.

The case is simple. Newlywed wife said not to sex just after the ceremony, and husband thinking she meant she is conservative and shy, drugged her and they ended up having an amazing night. Wife woke up feeling betrayed and raped sues her husband, now charged with rape. Myolie's case is when she says no she means no, no matter what. Raymond's case is he didn't know she means no, he thought she means yes, but not this way. The husband genuinely loves wife and wife is genuinely hurt.

Some part I find offensive.

That rape can only occur by force, as in beating the crap out of the woman and forcing her to have sex. The implication is scary, especially when a woman resigns to her fate and begs the rapist to wear a condemn. Did she just consented to sex? The way this series goes, maybe.

Frankly I don't think this case is pure and simple rape case. I don't see it as one. I don't mean marital rape can never happen. I do not believe just because I am your wife you will have free access to my body. When I say no, I mean no.The wife in here thought the husband was having affair with the bridesmaid, the truth was bridesmaid was husband's ex girlfriend (wife didn't know) and bridesmaid was the one forcing herself on husband by hugging and kissing her. It was all pure misunderstanding. But the wife didn't know and so that night she said noto sex, but didn't say wife. Lack of communication doesn't mean no consent. That is my opinion. Myolie of course drew the line between saying no meaning no AND lack of communication. Not a straightforward case and very thought provoking. Results will be in in tomorrow's episode.

Anyway back to marital rape. In Malaysia reportedly there is not such thing as marital rape. I thought there was and now I realised how backward we are. Can a husband rape a wife? I will say yes. More so when violence is involved. The above case is not a clear cut marital rape but there are obvious cases that they are. I do not understand why some men feel like they can force themselves onto their wives when their wives clearly said no as if it is their God given right AND yet at the same time they need not maintain or pay their wives allowances. All I can say is cheap.

Anyway very good first episode. Do give this series a chance. Maybe it will go bad but right now I am enjoying it.

Note : I just found out the veteran actor I was talking about is Lok Ying Kwan who plays Hung and from Bridget Au's list, his name in the series is Homer.




All opinion remains my own

Episodic thought is a detailed recap/summary and short review of each episode (as I watch them) with a dash of my own unique way of writing (basically it means if you're not into opinion that may differ from yours, please do not continue reading.

Your comments are most welcomed. Do use Post A Comment for the appropriate episode. Do remember to bookmark the episode so you may refer back when someone replies to your comments (if any). When commenting, please observe the rules of decorum and common courtesy. If this is a new series, please avoid posting future spoilers in earlier episodes, however you may post speculations.

For your information

This series was released in 2003 but was broadcast over ASTRO Wah Lai Toi in 2004. This episodic thoughts was written during that broadcast over ASTRO on a daily basis from Monday to Friday, episode per episode and it is officially completed when the series ended its run. Episodic Thoughts consists of summary of plot and a review of the current episode, all written by me, Funn Lim. The comments are still open so feel free to post your comments. Please be informed that the posts in here are full of spoilers. Thank you.

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