This series is getting better and better. Definitely enjoyed today's episode.

Again the legal part is not quite right and the plot os rather predictable. What I like though are the characters and the performances.

Today's episode is a continuation of the previous episode's cases.

Molestation Case

Remember Ben's ex-girlfriend, Mary's current boyfriend charged with molesting a woman in a lift by pinching her buttocks and spying on her with his telescope on his balcony? Well Ling suspected this freak was the one when Ben was falsely accused of pinching a woman's buttocks in a lift, and that freak was standing next to Ben. Ben didn't suspect him until both Ling and Ben were sitting in his car and saw those pictures of women's legs clad in lacy pantyhose. But both can't do anything because you see, whatever you client tells you, it is protected by legal privilege and yes, that includes confessions to murder. It continues even after the relationship ends. Anyway in court Ling was so emotional when she was closing her defence until Ben wrote "struck off the roll" (meaning banned from being a lawyer for life) that she calmed down and gave a winning closing. That jerk then went to Ben and even commented how sexy Ling look in her lacy pantyhose. That was when Ben decided to do something. Meanwhile Ling tried to tell Mary about that jerk but couldn't. And Ben tried to tell Ling he was about to do something but Ling kept brushing him off. After that jerk was pronounced not guilty, Ben deliberately used a file and scratched Ling's pantyhose which broke. That jerk saw her legs that way and was in trance. You see he has a fetish for lacy pantyhose with holes in it. He followed Ling and pinched her buttocks in front of the prosecutors in the court! Immediately he was arrested again and he begged Ben to save him and Ben said; "I can't. I am a prosecution witness now!". That was such a satisfying end. Brilliant Ben. Of course Ling didn't appreciate what he did and Mary even beat Ben for not telling her the truth. So Ben ended up with Mary walking away and Ling throwing her suitcase at him.

Grevious Bodily Harm Case

Remember that skinny boy from last episode? His case was on and guess who's the prosecutor? Sister Na! Vincent asked Jessica to sit as second chair because she is compassionate and successfully got the kid to talk. Poor kid. Everyday for the past 6 months he was bullied by that fatty and his gang, from being made to crawl through their legs to being stripped off his pants. Even when that fat bully was taken into court already suffering from serious brain damage (with just 5 punches to the head!), that poor boy called Little Man was so scared he pee in his pants. Vincent saw it all and decided to take a gamble and not discuss lesser jail term with the prosecutor.

My questions are as follows:-

1. What jail term? He's a kid! He will be sent to some juvenile detention centre at whoever's discretion. Like in Malaysia, it would be Agong's discretion.

2. This boy has a solid defence. His mental health is a defence. Not to say he was insane but losing control? Subjected to such abuse for such a long time? It took Vincent about half way through the case to consider asking for a medical opinion! Why so long? This kid is a basketcase, sadly. And the father also so abusive, maybe out of worry but still ... I pity Little Man.

3. What is Sister Na doing as a prosecutor?! I thought she is in private practice?!

4. How come a simple molestation case has both Ling and Ben wearing their robes but not Vincent's case? Is it a prelimanary round, like probable cause stage? Maybe you know, so please enlighten me.

5. How can Vincent let Jessica with ZERO experience open the case? She fumbled and all. It might be a cute scene but it's not funny when the kid's life is at stake.

6. What is strange is Vincent on his client's behalf admitted the kid punched that fat kid but I remember Little Man said, "I didn't do it!". Is there an inconsistency here?

7. Sister Na said Little Man was seen practising punches on old tyres and that indicates preparation and that means when he punched fat boy, it was revenge, pre meditated and not self defence or such. I disagree. He has been bullied so many times, he is just preparing himself to save his own skin. He couldn't have seek out that fat boy for revenge because just the sight of that fat boy in a wheelchair was enough to make that poor kid pee in his pants. I believe tomorrow's episode we will see an argument along this line by Vincent. You know if Sister Na's argument is accepted, it means that we are all seeking revenge when we but a gun to protect ourselves against rapists in a neighbourhood known for its brutal crime rate in raping people.

Overall my favourite character is still Ben with his own brand of unique but legal justice. I like how he solve the case in this episode. I am beginning to like Vincent as well because he is such a bastard in the making. He doesn't care about the boy, he wants to win, that's it. Jessica cared but not Vincent. The way he spoke to that kid in such harsh tone, it is obvious he is like a surgeon in the medical field. Good at what they do but really lacking in people skills. Vincent is like a surgeon, detached but very good at what he does. Ben on the other hand is like an ER doctor, always in the thick of the action, very good at what he does but can't be detached because he meets the patients first hand. I like the contrast in characters.

Overall, Raymond Lan gave a vey strong and cheeky performance. He has a knack for comedies and yes, close my eyes and I thought it was Louis Koo.

Myolie Wu has improved leaps and bounds from what I thought were her great years in acting. She continues to amaze me with her affinity for her characters, tapping into their emotions. Whilst lawyers don't act that way (we are not inhuman just work is work, if you can't take it don't take that case or those kind of cases), Wyolie gave Ling a sense of justice that may be too prejudiced, too one sided but still noble at heart. I dislike the way Ling treats Ben but well as always love will find a way in the end to reconcile two feuding great partners. So far all women love Vincent. Why not eh?

Sammul Chan could perhaps give his best performance in here, since it requires little acting but loads of staring. You see his Vincent is so cold I do not expect him to joke, get angry or cry. I expect him to shrug it off and just walk away, without any expressions. Thus far that's the description of Sammul's performance and thus far it suits his Vincent. I would say good casting call. And he looks better in here than in his previous series.

I finally found out Ling's mom is acted by amazing singer, Lui San. I just hope to find out what is the name of the actor who plays her dad.

There are many more happening in today's episode, mostly the relationship between Ling and Ben (like reluctant ally during cold war era), between Ling and Vincent (friendly, Ling's very nice to Vincent who likes her), Ben and Jessica (very close, like brothers and sisters but Ling thought Ben was taking advantage of Jessica), Jessica and Vincent (Vincent likes her but not the way Jessica hopes he will like her) and Ben and Vincent (friendly but not best of chums).

The worst acting has got to be Juno, stony faced but luckily he had little scenes, and sad to say Bernice Liu is such a horrible actress. But you know I love to watch Bernice Liu because she has such a beautiful smile and she is such a sunshine, lighting up the screen everytime she appears. So I can really be very patient with her bad acting because she makes me smile by just looking at her.

Overall this episode is wonderful but I just hope the writers just write better legal perspectives.


Anonymous September 20, 2004 at 9:56 PM  

i totally agree with your comments on Bernice. she is so sweet looking and smiles with such geniuness. but on the acting side, she is trying too hard to play the cute role, which is unnecessary because she is cute already; no need to overact. i like her acting better in Virtues of Harmony.

I also like the scene of Myolie with her mother in later episode. it further showcase Myolie's talent as an actress. classic scene.-pj



All opinion remains my own

Episodic thought is a detailed recap/summary and short review of each episode (as I watch them) with a dash of my own unique way of writing (basically it means if you're not into opinion that may differ from yours, please do not continue reading.

Your comments are most welcomed. Do use Post A Comment for the appropriate episode. Do remember to bookmark the episode so you may refer back when someone replies to your comments (if any). When commenting, please observe the rules of decorum and common courtesy. If this is a new series, please avoid posting future spoilers in earlier episodes, however you may post speculations.

For your information

This series was released in 2003 but was broadcast over ASTRO Wah Lai Toi in 2004. This episodic thoughts was written during that broadcast over ASTRO on a daily basis from Monday to Friday, episode per episode and it is officially completed when the series ended its run. Episodic Thoughts consists of summary of plot and a review of the current episode, all written by me, Funn Lim. The comments are still open so feel free to post your comments. Please be informed that the posts in here are full of spoilers. Thank you.

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